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Acupuncture,a scientific appraisal

Editors: Ernst & White
Manufacturer: Butterworth Heinemann
€42.40 incl tax
€37.10 incl tax
(does not include VAT)

Acupuncture: a scientific appraisal takes an evaluative approach, summarising the evidence for acupuncture in an impartial way. An international team of specialist contributors brings a wide range of expertise to the book, drawing together different facets of research and clinical practice to provide a cohesive look at acupuncture today.

Table of Contents:

History, nature and current practice of acupuncture: an East Asian perspective
Western medical acupuncture
 Neurophysiology of acupuncture analgesia
Effects of sensory stimulation (acupuncture) on circulatory and immune systems
Clinical effectiveness of acupuncture
an overview of systematic reviews
Adverse effects of acupuncture